

Pen Glowy is a Pen Name for Glory Bomane Temerigha, a Nigerian.

She is a Musician with the stage name "Bomaneh" which is exactly how her middle name is pronounced and is the local translation of her first name. She plays the guitar and produces her music.

She is a graduate of the Niger Delta University where she studied Computer Science. She has a Master's Degree in Information Technology from the National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN).

She expresses her knowledge in IT through her business name TEMAZI which handles I.T related work like graphic design. Temazi is coined out of the first three letters of her late aunt's name Temerigha Azibawuramamu also known as Helen Temerigha who raised her for the first ten years of her life and inspired her reading culture.

Reading fiction as a hobby gave birth to her venture into writing.  During the covid 19 pandemic, she found time away from work to read fiction. She was looking to read a romance novel with an intriguing male character for entertainment. She could find none that suited the ideal character she wanted, so she created one. And that gave birth to her debut romance novel Dark Love which she created on inkitt.

She was updating the book for her own reading pleasure and was surprised to find an infllux of readers. That encouraged her to continue writing.

Pen Glowy loves nature and likes spending time with her family in Nigeria where she lives.

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